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Online Store Chinese elite tea "PaniTea"

Love to this elite Chinese tea starts with the first sip! For you - the most delicious and fragrant Chinese tea: green, white, jasmine, red, floral, herbal, oolong, pu-erh, and many others. You can buy what you need in our online store!

Elite Chinese tea - it is a great gift and prestige in the circle of your communication. It is produced from natural tea leaves in the highlands of China, which is why Chinese tea gives you a rich rainbow of colors and the finest flavors of the fresh tea leaves. Connoisseurs of these Eastern traditions will be surprised at the best selection of teas online. We have only 100% hand-selected products of the highest quality tea. Try staying on our virtual shelves of elite teas from China. Find out the real flavors and a touch of magic flavor. Choose the right tea for you. After all, different varieties have different properties, are velvety pleasant aromas, tart and dairy flavors, grassy, ​​floral, and many others. Chinese elite tea - an invaluable gift of nature, a mystery which is not yet fully disclosed. The benefits of Chinese tea is undeniable! Confucius praised the useful properties of tea. One cup of properly brewed Chinese tea contains a daily rate of trace elements and vitamins that act as adaptogens and adjuvants. Also, tea is rich in theine, caffeine so-called bound state with tannin. Thein acts softer caffeine is not addictive, does not accumulate in the body and slows the aging process and speeds up the metabolism.

All the teas in our catalog are provided with detailed descriptions and photos that will help you choose the most suitable for your type of tea. To choose "your tea", be sure to immediately buy a few varieties and invite friends to a tea ceremony. Also on our website you will be able to learn how to brew Chinese tea history of different types of tea and a lot of other interesting information about tea. Exclusive teas - it's music taste, harmony of sensations and endless inspiration. And all this - at your disposal!
